* * * STOP PRESS * * *
The shop is open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 9.15am to 5.00pm. It is closed and all other days.
SALE....at least 20% off most Hornby 00 locos and rolling stock while stocks last
Don't forget that we have large stocks of most manufacturers kits, accessories and paints as well as Hornby trains and Scalextric.
Telephone us on Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings for your modelling supplies.
Scarecrow resin stowage for 1/16 vehicles
US armour............£17
German armour....£17
BACK IN STOCK...TAKOM 1/16 JEEP......£59.99
Gekko 1/35 LCA...£53.99
1/35 LCA with rockets (Pointe du Hoc)..£53.99
TAKOM 1/700 USS ABSD-1 Large Auxillary Floating Dry Dock...£99.99
AJM Models 1/700
HMS Adventure minelayer (pre-war)...£75 NEW
HMS Adventure minelayer (WWll).......£75 NEW
HMS Argus WWll a/c carrier.................£120 NEW
HMS Pegasus seaplane tender 1918 £60
HMS Ben My Chree seaplane tender £60
HMCS Prince David LSIM...................£70
HMCS Prince Robert AA Cruiser.........£70
1/700 HMS Argus WW1 a/c carrier......£120
1/700 HMS Emerald 1943-44..............£99
1/700 Victor Schoelcher French AMCS £73
1/700 Charles Plumier French AMCS..£73
1/700 HMS Empire Mackendrick……..£75
1/700 HMS Empire MacAlpine………..£75
1/700 Sperrbrecher Bockenheim……..£70
1/700 HMS Cardiff (1943)……………..£75
1/700 HMS Coventry AA cruiser...……£75
1/700 HMS Campania...……………….£95
1/700 HMS Jervis Bay..........................£98
HMS Esperance Bay............................£98
1/700..Admiralty Type flotilla leader Scott Class...£40
1/700..HMAS Stuart Flotilla leader Scott Class.....£40
HMS Douglas .................................£40
HMS Mackay...................................£40
HMS Campbell.................................£40
HMS Malcolm..................................£40
A Class destroyer............................£40
B Class destroyer............................£40
HMS Express (E class)…...……………….…..£40
HMS Fame (F class)…………...£40
HMS Ark Royal (1915-18)……£60
HMS Black Swan...…..…£40
HMS Ibis...….........£40
HMS Royal Scotsman...£65
HMS Royal Ulsterman …£65
HMS Springbank…....……£75
HMS Alynbank.........£75
Hawkins class cruiser (with flight deck).....£90
(HMS Vindictive)
Hawkins class cruiser HMS Raleigh............£90
Transport HMS Princess Beatrix................£60
AMC HMS Chitral........................……....£80
USS Currituck Seaplane tender................£85
Veryfire ....IJN Taiho.............£119.99
USS Missouri
USS Iowa
USS Wisconsin
USS New Jersey
USS Des Moines
USS Salem...……..all £81.99 each
USS Cleveland...……£94.00
USS Montana )
USS Louisiana )…..project battleships...£99.99 each
1/700 Flyhawk
SMS Emden 1914.(deluxe).....£50.00 NEW
HMS Iron Duke 1914 (deluxe) £68.00 NEW
HMS Formidable (deluxe).......£70.00 NEW
HMS Ajax 1939.......................£38.00 NEW
HMS Ajax 1939 (deluxe) ... £60.00 NEW
Royal Navy Aircraft set 3........£14.00 NEW
USS Zumwalt DDG1000.........£40.00 NEW
USN Aircraft set 1..................£14.00
HMS Hood 1941...…………....£45.00
HMS Hood 1941 (deluxe)…....£75.00
HMS Illustrious...………….......£49.00
HMS Illustrious (deluxe)….......£70.00
HMS Prince of Wales..............£46.00
HMS Prince of Wales (deluxe).£70.00
HMS Invincible...………….......£40.00
HMS Invincible (deluxe)….......£60.00
HMS Agincourt...……..….........£40.00
HMS Agincourt (deluxe)..….....£60.00
HMS Galatea (Ltd)………........£75.00
HMS Aurora (Ltd).....................£75.00
HMS Naiad...............................£38.00
HMS Penelope.........................£38.00
HMS Kelly...……………..…......£27.00
HMS Kelly (deluxe)……..….....£37.00
HMS Lance...……………….....£27.00
HMS Lance (deluxe)……....….£37.00
HMS Legion...……………....…£27.00
HMS Legion (deluxe)……....…£37.00
HMS Lively...………………......£27.00
HMS Lively (deluxe)……….....£37.00
HMS Hermes 1937..................£50.00
Konigsberg 1940.....................£35.00
Konigsberg 1940 (deluxe).......£60.00
Scharnhorst 1940 (deluxe.......£66.00
Scharnhorst 1943...………......£42.00
Scharnhorst 1943 (deluxe)......£66.00
Gneisenau (deluxe)……..…....£66.00
Derflinger ................................£42.00
Royal Navy Dockside base.....£28.00
Battle of the Atlantic...………...£35.00
Royal Navy Aircraft Set 1........£14.00
Royal Navy Aircraft Set 2........£14.00
1/700 Aoshima
HMS Jervis...…….£29.99
HMS Jupiter..........£29.99
HMS Norfolk...…...£39.99 (ltd edition)
HMS Cornwall.......£39.99 (plus S class destroyer)
HMS Kent...…..….£39.99
HMS Dorsetshire..£39.99 (plus 2 x U boats)
HMS Exeter.....…..£29.99
1/700 Fujimi
IJN Kumano...……£46.99
IJN Suzuya……….£46.99
plus other rare IJN warships - telephone for details
1/700 IBG
HMS Ilex...…………………….£15.50
HMS Harvester...……………..£15.50
HMS Hotspur ……………..... £15.50
HMS Gloworm (1938)………..£15.50
HMS Ithuriel (I Class)…….…..£15.50
HMS Garland (G Class)……...£15.50
Gekko Models.. 1/35
British LCA................................£53.99
Normandy defences Hedgehog..£11.99
Normandy defences Log ramps..£11.99
Austin 30cwt truck.................................£45.99
Scimitar Mk 1 Operation Herrick...£49.99
Daimler Armoured Car Mk1....£39.99
Bedford MWC...……………..£39.99
Bedford MWD...……………..£39.99
British ATMP...…………… . £28.99
Cruiser tank A9 Mk.1... …...£49.99
Cruiser tank A9 Mk.1 CS......£49.99
Cruiser tank A10 Mk.1A...….£49.99
Cruiser tank A10 Mk.1...…...£49.99
Cruiser tank A10 Mk. 1A......£49.99
Cruiser tank A10 Mk. 1A CS.£49.99
Found gathering dust
Mole Military Miniatures 1/35 white metal kits
British 10cwt 4.2" Mortar trailer
Lightweight GS trailer...……..£5.00 each to clear
Also many unusual Aoshima and Fujimi 1/700 Japanese ships
Telephone for availability
All the new releases from Trumpeter, Airfix, Dragon and more - phone or e-mail for details
Welcome to Dorking Models.
Dorking Models has been established for over 50 years in the town of Dorking in Surrey. It is a real model shop and within the 400 year old building is one of the
best ranges of plastic kits to be found in the South of England. Apart from the range of kits we have in stock accessories such as Evergreen plastic strip, Humbrol,
Tamiya and some Mig paints, various woods, metals, tools, scenic accessories and books.
We are also main agents for Hornby trains and Scalextric slot racing as well as keeping good stocks of Lego products.
We keep all the major and many minor ranges of plastic kits and we specialise in military models in 1/72 and 1/35th, aircraft in all scales, and a large range of ships,
especially 1/350th and 1/700th plastic and resin kits. Among the kit ranges we keep are:
Academy, AFV Club, Airfix, Aoshima, Bronco, Dragon, Emhar, Flyhawk, Decals, Masterbox, Meng, Mini Art, Mirror Models, Mole Military Miniatures, Revell, Roden, Soar Art,
Takom, Tamiya, Trumpeter, UM, Valom, Zvezda
Dorking Models has been mentioned in Arthur Ward's books on Airfix kits and his follow up Classic kits which mentioned our extensive collection of the vintage Eaglewall
kits (originally manufactured in Dorking in the late 1950's). We always encourage a visit to the shop which is a throwback to how model shops used to be - bursting at the seams
with stock but now you can order online or by telephone if you cannot make the journey.
Our shop window is almost a landmark in Dorking with many made up models dominated by a 1/35th scale Dora railgun.
Dorking Models is owned by Tony Lawrence who, as past Chairman and President of the Invicta Military-Vehicle Preservation Society (IMPS) used to be involved with the
War and Peace military vehicle show (then the largest show of it's type in the World) since its inception over 30 years ago as well as being a committee member of the
IPMS - UK (International Plastic Modellers Society) back in the early 1970's.